
题目:  An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities   What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to

2016-02-23 13:11:26


题目:  Your friend is getting married and he has invited you to his wedding However, you can’t make it for a certain reason Now write a letter to

2016-02-23 11:41:26


According to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking   依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟相关的疾病。  The latest s

2016-02-23 08:41:26


There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources al

2016-02-23 05:41:26


题目:  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Write about the following topic:  Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more

2016-02-23 04:11:26


雅思写作社会类题目,比较贴近生活,容易下笔。下面是该题的雅思写作真题范文,该雅思写作范文仅供参考,请大家不要原班背诵。  Some people claim that using tobacco has brought severe social problems and smoking s

2016-02-23 01:11:26



2016-02-22 19:11:26


雅思写作范文之政府是否应该限制广告内容  Nowadays there are an increasing number of TV mercials and some of them carry misleading information Some people think th

2016-02-22 17:41:26


题目:Scientific and technological advances have changed our lives But some scientists in some fields say that scientists are not able to find solut

2016-02-22 16:11:26


题目:Do the negative effects of some international media such as TV and magazine for example overweigh the positive effects?  范文:International media

2016-02-22 14:41:26


People can go to shop, bank and work with puter But the danger of the puter is people are getting isolated and losing some social skills T

2016-02-22 13:11:26


题目:Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution What extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you

2016-02-22 11:41:26


Version 110  With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has bee a global village with bination of different cultures What are the

2016-02-22 10:11:26


Topic:  Some people think that it is the responsibility of government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyle   Others think people should be

2016-02-22 07:11:26



2016-02-22 05:41:26


(一)  model answer:  The three graphs of wheat exports each show a quite different pattern between 1985 and 1990 Exports from Australia declined o

2016-02-21 11:41:26


雅思论说文范文:“师”从电脑还是师从真人  Nowadays, we can learn from puters and we can also learn from Human teachers What do you think are the advantages and di

2016-02-21 10:11:26


What famous place would you like to visit? Use details and reasons to support your response   各人往往会因为自己的出生地不同、家庭条件的不同、相关经历的不同,甚至教育程度的不同而在选择旅游地方面呈现

2016-02-21 05:41:26


雅思写作范文汇总 建筑类雅思作文高分范文及点评 教育类雅思作文高分范文及点评 旅游类雅思作文高分范文及点评 环球雅思考试辅导专题www thea cn (教育联展网编辑整理)

2016-02-21 04:11:26


Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than its advantages   Do you agree or disagree?  The current hot issues include the

2016-02-20 16:11:26