
Room 212 Building 343Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084Ms Yang:I was referred to you by Mr Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed

2019-11-07 11:58:53


April 6,2003P O Box 3XX UniversityBeijing,China 100000Dear Sir Madame,Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10Student D

2019-11-06 21:15:44

【英文自荐信格式】英文自荐信-Social Work - Social Work Assistant

Dear Mr HoApplication for the position of Social Work AssistantWith reference to your advertisement in the JobsPower on January 4,I would like to

2019-11-06 07:08:50


尊敬的各位领导,老师: 您们好! 首先感谢学院能给我提供这样一个机会。能参加贵校这样具有“厚德博学”气息,以“经世济民”为己任的名校的自主招生选拔,我感到荣幸之至。感谢老师能在百忙之中看完我的自荐信,我深知一封短信无法全面介绍自己但我会坚持

2019-11-05 21:13:17

[英文自荐信格式]英文自荐信-Health Care - Head Nurse

Dear Mr HoApplication for the position of Head NurseIn response to the advertisement on January 4 in the JobsPower ,I have sent my application for

2019-11-05 21:13:17


I am the Accounting Department of Financial Services Institute ** 200 * session graduates to careers,I,with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause,i

2019-11-05 18:04:14


Dear Sir,Application for the post of Office AdministratorThree years as a senior clerk in sales department of the P&G Products Company have,I believe,

2019-11-05 18:04:14


求职时,注意好写个人自荐书格式,整理好写个人自荐书的内容,才能写好一份优秀的求职个人自荐书,以下为相关的范本,可供参考。  尊敬的领导:    您好!    我叫 …,是一名20xx年7月毕业于新疆医科大学口腔医学专业的一名学生,衷心感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间看我的自荐信。给我一个怀着真诚的心和对医

2019-11-05 11:26:01

【辞职信怎么写 范文】2012最新辞职信范文

我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请。  来到公司也已经快两年了,在这近两年里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事。正是在这里我有过欢笑,也有过泪水,更有过收获。公司平等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能开心的工作,开心的学习。或许这真是对

2019-11-05 07:22:10

英文自荐信格式_英文自荐信-Human Resources - Assistant Personnel Manager

Dear Mr HoApplication for the position of Assistant Personnel ManagerMy interest in the above position as advertised in the JobsPower on January 4

2019-11-04 21:12:16



2019-11-04 21:12:16


常用的英文语句10句1 I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。2 I have been in the business for the last ten ye

2019-11-04 17:18:51


Dear Sir,Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the

2019-11-04 17:18:51


英文自荐信范文(一)Room 212 Building 343Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084Ms Yang:I was referred to you by Mr Zhang,a Partner with your Beijing office,who info

2019-11-03 21:13:40


尊敬的领导:  我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请。  来到公司也已经快两年了,在这近两年里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事。正是在这里我有过欢笑,也有过泪水,更有过收获。公司平等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能开心的工作,开心的学

2019-11-03 21:13:40


T Robert Smith,Sales ManagerFrom: Bob Fu,Sales DevelopmentDate: May 6,2001Subject: Terminating EngagmentMr Smith,I have worked in the Sales Developmen

2019-11-03 21:13:40


一份合格的求职不光要求格式,用词恰当,投递自荐信的一些小细节也不能不注意,因为用人单位或许就会注意你不经意犯下的小错误。1 为投寄自荐信的所有单位建个档,这样要是某天接到某家单位的应聘电话,就不会手忙脚乱,不知东家为谁。2 利用手头便利,一个“邮资已付”就不费一文寄去自荐信,

2019-11-03 11:16:20


现在让我们来比较一下下面的三个句子在语气上有何不同:A、I am not only petent to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your corporation,but also well qualified

2019-11-03 11:16:20


To respect the leadership of:Have worked hard!Thank you for your busy schedule from the point of view to take some time this cover letter!Hard three y

2019-11-03 11:16:20


Dear Sir,I have seen your advertisement in the JobsPower for an assistant accountant,and should be grateful if you would consider a short account

2019-11-02 11:09:20